Jan-Feb 1995
Mar-Apr 1995
The Golden Age of Children's Records by Diana R. Tillson
The Starr Phonograph with contributions by David Plumer and Jim Peck
Phonographic Ephemera: An Edison A-100's Paperwork by Norman Brooks
Mr. Edison's Time Machine by John E. Rutherford
Remembering David E. Ross (1924-1994) by David Lennick |
May-Jun 1995
The Vitaphone Project by Barry R. Ashpole
Re-Issues of Early Recordings on CD by Gary A. Galo
Canadian Record Labels: pre-1942 by Colin J. Bray
Jul-Aug 1995
National Museum of Science and Technology (Ernie DeCoste) condensed by Barry R. Ashpole
Canadian Berliner GT: A "Significant Treasure" by The Globe and Mail
The Acoustical Recorder for Lateral-Cut Gramophone Records by Rolf Rekdal
Gleanings from Columbia Record Supplements (Part 1) by Claude Seary
Sep-Oct 1995
What Dollar Value Do You Place on Old Records? extracted from The Record News
Additions to the Collector's Reading List compiled by Barry R. Ashpole
More Gleanings from Columbia Record Supplements (Part 2) by Claude Seary
Re-Issues of Early Recordings on CD, etc... by Barry R. Ashpole
Conference Report: Restoration of Early Sound Recordings by Gilles St-Laurent
Nov-Dec 1995