Jan-Feb 1994
Mar-Apr 1994
Autograph Musical Notations by Michael Schulman
Some Canadian Sheet Music of World War I (1914-1918) by John E. Rutherford
Signor Hurdi-Gurdi (Revisited) by Lynn E. Andersen
Phono-Graphics: The Visual Paraphernalia of the Talking Machine (book review) by Bill Pratt
May-Jun 1994
A Look at Bert Williams by Tim Gracyk
What Were You Doing 40 Years Ago? by John E. Rutherford
Dubbing of Incunabular Cylinders by Lynn E. Andersen
Jul-Aug 1994
Enrico Caruso: The Electrical Recordings by Barry R. Ashpole
American Celebrity Recordings (1900-1950) (book review) by David Lennick
Playback Equaliser Settings for 78 rpm Recordings (book review) by David Lennick
Report to the Phonoth่que Qu้becoise on the Search for Archival Documents of Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co., Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canada Limited and RCA Victor Company Limited (book review) by Jack Litchfield
Sheet Music and the "Invisible Man" by John E. Rutherford
Sep-Oct 1994
Nov-Dec 1994