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Canadian Antique Phonograph Society


The name of this Society shall be "Canadian Antique Phonograph Society", (the "Society"), ("CAPS").


The Canadian Antique Phonograph Society is dedicated to sharing information about, collecting, and preserving phonographs, gramophones, historic sound recordings and related artifacts, especially those of Canadian content.


The Executive shall consist of the following Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Program Convenor, Editor Antique Phonograph News, Past-President, Auction Manager; and Directors: Membership Promotion & Advertising, Catering, Auctioneer. All Officers and Directors shall be members of the Society.

Term of Office

The term of office for all officers shall be three (3) years. All terms of office shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.


The Executive shall hold meetings at such times and places as it deems advisable, appoint committees, employ necessary employees, authorize proper expenditures and take such other measures as may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of the Society. The Executive shall present an annual report to the membership.

Policies and Procedures

The Executive is responsible for developing Policies and Procedures as are deemed necessary.


The presence of one-half to the nearest person of the total Executive shall be called a quorum for the transaction of any business and the vote of a majority of the quorum shall be the act of the Executive. Officers shall vote in person and not by proxy.


Vacancies in all offices shall be filled by the Executive for the unexpired term of the office.


A member of the Executive may be impeached only by unanimous consent of the balance of the Executive.



The President shall oversee, manage and provide direction to the Executive; shall co-ordinate the roles and activities of the Executive Team; shall appoint and maintain involvement of non-executive CAPS members in the running of such activities as: catering, meeting reports, advertising, meeting set up, photography.


The Vice-President shall stand in for the President when he is unable to fulfil his responsibilities; shall create awareness of CAPS aims and raise the Society's profile among collectors and organizations with related special interests; shall carry out publicity campaigns for any required membership drives or special events.


The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for CAPS financial management; shall receive, account for and deposit all funds of the Society in a bank account in the name of the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society; shall make authorized disbursements by the issuance of cheques; shall maintain appropriate financial records subject to inspection; shall prepare annual budgets and financial reports and make proposals to ensure maintenance of a contingency fund; shall ensure that catering and meeting room costs are funded and payment collected from members at meetings; shall process applications for membership in the Society; shall maintain membership records and collect dues; shall prepare envelopes and address labels and assist in the distribution of the magazine; shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Society; shall assist in answering correspondence; shall maintain the CAPS archives.

Program Convenor

The Program Convenor shall plan, organize and execute a program of eight (8) CAPS meetings per year.

Editor Antique Phonograph News

The Editor shall design, edit and publish the Society's official publication at the agreed frequency, consistent with the objectives of the Society and in the interest of the members; shall make recommendations on editorial policy; shall gather information on events and activities and solicit articles consistent with editorial policy.


The Past President shall provide advice to the new Executive and shall carry out or advise on special projects.

Auction Manager

The Auction Manager shall be responsible for all aspects of the auction.

Membership Promotion & Advertising

The Membership Promotion & Advertising Director shall be responsible for disseminating CAPS publicity material and membership applications, selling CAPS membership gift forms to members, soliciting advertising, and following up on lapsed members.


The Catering Director shall ensure that refreshments are available for all attendees at CAPS meetings.


The Auctioneer shall preside over the auctions at CAPS meetings.

All Officers and Directors shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Executive.


Regular membership is open to those who have been accepted as members.

Honorary membership may be conferred on those who have rendered valuable service or other noteworthy contributions to the Society.


All persons of good character who have an interest in antique phonographs, gramophones, sound recordings and related artifacts are eligible to become members. The Treasurer shall accept any application complying with the requirements of the Society.


Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.

Termination of Membership

The rights of any person as a member of this Society, including his/her right to vote, shall cease immediately upon suspension, expulsion, or termination of membership. Any member may be suspended for a period or expelled for cause, such as violation of any of the articles of the Constitution of the Society or for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Society. Such suspension or expulsion shall be at the unanimous vote of the Executive, with the exception of the person proposed for suspension or expulsion if he/she is a member of the Executive.

At least fifteen (15) days before a vote may be taken for the suspension or expulsion of a member, a statement of the charges against him/her and a notice of the time when the Executive proposes to take action must be sent to such member by registered mail. Such member shall be given the opportunity to present a defense at the time and place mentioned in the aforesaid notice.

Membership ceases upon failure to pay dues.


The Society shall aim to have at least eight (8) meetings each year. At each meeting of the Society, the general order of business may include: Remarks, Reports, Program, Refreshments and Auction.



Annual dues shall be set by the Executive and all members shall be informed. Dues are payable upon notice.


The Executive may accept on behalf of the Society any contribution, gift, bequest or device for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the Society.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society shall be January 1 - December 31.


Committees shall be established as the needs arise by the President and/or Executive. The chair of each committee shall be appointed by the President. The Executive in its discretion at any time may terminate the authority of any committee and dissolve it.


Eligibility to Serve

The President shall be eligible to serve no more than two terms consecutively. All other offices are open to all regular members.


The out-going President shall be the chair of the nominating committee.

As each three (3) year term for officers is expiring, sufficient time shall be allotted for:

  1. notice of a pending election
  2. a call for nominations
  3. the mailing and return of ballots

Any regular member may nominate in writing a candidate with the proposed candidate's approval and a seconder. At a regularly scheduled meeting, the ballots shall be counted by the out-going president and two (2) scrutineers, and all members shall be informed of the result. In the event of a tie vote for any office, the President shall cast the deciding vote.


Proposals from the general membership for amendments to the articles of the Constitution must be supported by not fewer than nine (9) regular members and shall be submitted in writing to the Executive. The Executive may make proposals for amendment to the Constitution. Articles of the Constitution shall be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members attending a regularly scheduled meeting of the Society provided that the proposed amendments have been published in the magazine with sufficient notice. Votes submitted by mail shall be eligible if received by the President prior to the meeting. Amendments shall be published in the magazine.

Adopted January 1990
Revised September 1999
Revised June 2000
Revised April 2005

Policies and Procedures
Canadian Antique Phonograph Society



The auction is a feature of the regular CAPS meeting program. It provides an outlet for members wishing to buy and sell antique phonographs, records and other items related to mechanically produced sound. An antique will be defined as having an age of at least 40 years.

Auction Procedure

  1. Only CAPS members in good standing may participate in the auction.
  2. No item submitted for auction will have a posted minimum bid. The owner may state a minimum bid at any time during the auctioning of the item.
  3. Items will be sold in posted numeric sequence on the basis of first come, first auctioned.
  4. Once placed on a table for auction, an item cannot be removed before being auctioned.
  5. Each item submitted for auction must be identified with the seller's name and other pertinent information. Reproduction parts or items must be identified. The owner may demonstrate or speak briefly about an item for auction.
  6. Two auctioneers will be appointed by the Auction Manager. Whenever possible, they will auction at alternate meetings.
  7. Members may offer up to 12 items for auction. However, no more than 6 of the items (lots) can be similar.
  8. Where a member offers 3 to 6 similar items (lots) for auction, the auctioneer will offer all 6 items (lots) simultaneously for auction. The highest bidder may take one or more items (lots) of choice.
  9. Where warranted in a particular auction, the Auction Manager may make exceptions to the auction procedure at his sole discretion.


If a member of CAPS dies, whatever his or her status, or if a member's spouse dies, it is appropriate for CAPS to send a card of condolence to the family and publish an announcement in the magazine.


  1. Any executive member may solicit and get commitment from advertisers for the CAPS magazine.
  2. The solicitor advises the advertiser to send ad copy and payment to the editor of the CAPS magazine.
  3. The solicitor advises the editor to expect ad copy and payment from the advertiser.
  4. The editor advises the solicitor when ad and payment have been received or if it doesn't happen as expected.
  5. When the editor receives the ad copy, he knows that he can publish, because he has also been the receiver of the payment.
  6. The editor forwards the payment to the CAPS treasurer.
  7. If ad copy and/or payment is received by any other executive member, he shall forward the copy to the editor and the payment to the treasurer.
  8. Some advertisers may require invoices. If so, the solicitor should ask the treasurer to send one at the start of the process, so that the advertiser can issue a cheque against the invoice.

Adopted 1999
Revised 2001
Revised 2006
Revised 2007