Jan-Feb 2011
Mar-Apr 2011
The Brunswick Panatrope, "Cortez" Model by James A. Carino
A True Gramophone Story by Jim Eadie
Junking for Records in Pennsylvania by Jack Litchfield
At The Auction by Mark Caruana
Auction Highlights by Mike Dicecco and Mark Quail
May-Jun 2011
Playing Pathι Vertical-Cut Discs on an Orthophonic Victrola by Paul Dodington
CAPS Newsletters On-Line by Mark Caruana
Laying A Linoleum Floor (with a Victrola) by Jim Eadie
The Graphophone in Therapeutics Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, March, 1904
A Study in Frustration (Discographical Research) by Jack Litchfield
Auction Highlights by Mike Dicecco
Jul-Aug 2011
Sep-Oct 2011
Victor's Orthophonic Credenza by James A. Carino
Book Review of "Collectors Guide To Victor Records" by David Lennick
Auction Highlights by Mike Dicecco
At The Auction by Mark Caruana
Letters to the Editor: 16 RPM Follow Up by Mike Dicecco
Nov-Dec 2011