Jan 1988
Feb 1988
Letters to the Editor: Phonola "Organola" and Echophone
"Gems" Records: Some of them are Jewels by John E. Rutherford
"Oh Canada!" - A Tale of Orthophonic Recording, Victor Radio and Two Aggressive Brothers - Part 1 by James R. Tennyson
Auction Highlights by Bill Pratt
Mar 1988
May 1988
Canadian Antique Phonograph Society 20th Anniversary by Bill Pratt
North Bay Museum Exhibit by Andy Smith
Musical Tidbit by Bas Ingrouille
Police Monkeybusiness and A Collector by Earl Mathewson
A Recording Career That Almost Was by Paul Dodington
Auction Highlights by Bill Pratt
Jun 1988
A Brief History of the First 20 Years of the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society by Bas Ingrouille
Johnston & Co. from Canadian Music and Trades Journal, September 1904
Caruso's Last Canadian Concert Tour by Paul Dodington
Auction Highlights by Bill Pratt
Sep 1988
Reports and Photographs of CAPS Twentieth Anniversary Reception and Meeting by John Black
Peer's Wax Wanes by Lynda Black |
Oct 1988
Conversation With the Blues by Lynda Black
Musée du Phonographe à Cylindres, Sainte-Anne-De-Beaupré by John Black
Auction Highlights by Bill Pratt
Dec 1988