CAPS membership includes a subscription to its 24-page, full colour, quarterly magazine, Antique Phonograph News, and an online Membership Directory.
There are two types of membership depending on your preference for the delivery of the magazine:
- a PDF membership for $20.00 CAD with the magazine accessible online from the CAPS website
- a Print membership for $40.00 CAD (outside Canada $50.00 CAD OR $40.00 USD) with the magazine accessible online and a hard copy delivered by mail
The membership year runs from January through December.
- if you join CAPS in January through July, you will receive all magazines for the current year
- if you join CAPS after July, you will receive the autumn issue of the magazine for the current year and all magazines for the following year
Join CAPS or Renew Membership
Within Canada the preferred method to join CAPS or renew your membership is to use Interac e-Transfer and send $20.00 for a PDF membership or $40.00 for a Print membership to
To use a credit card, select the type of membership, PDF or Print, and click the Pay Now button. The PayPal account is set up to accept payment only in Canadian dollars.
- PDF membership $20.00 CAD
- Print membership - Inside Canada $40.00 CAD
- Print membership - Outside Canada $50.00 CAD
Or mail CAPS Membership Application with your cheque for $20.00 or $40.00 (outside Canada $40.00 USD) payable to CAPS to:
Canadian Antique Phonograph Society
122 Major Street
Toronto ON M5S 2L2 CANADA
Why join CAPS?
Membership in the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society (CAPS) provides a gateway to information, people, enjoyment and news on everything to do with antique recorded sound -
phonographs and other music machines, records, performers, history and more.
You are looking for a new interest or hobby that can be enjoyed without great expense.
You have, or plan to acquire, a phonograph and would like to develop your interest by learning about its history or restoration.
You have an interest in antiques and would like to focus on one area to learn about and develop into a hobby. The great thing about phonographs is that they don't just sit there;
they can be brought to life by playing wonderful sounds from the past - hot jazz, opera, big band etc., all evocative of past times and places.
You are an experienced collector and would like easy access to the knowledge and help available through CAPS and its members. There is truly a
wealth of knowledge among CAPS members on every aspect of our hobby - restoration, parts and information - and they are only too pleased to share it with others.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
Antique Phonograph News - our quarterly, full colour publication. Each year you'll receive 4 issues of APN, packed with 24 pages of articles, advertisements, meeting auction reports
and news of upcoming programs. All back issues published from 1982 through the Current Issue are available as PDF files. Unlimited downloads are FREE to CAPS members.
The auction tables were overflowing at a recent CAPS meeting
Free advertising - CAPS members enjoy free advertising in Antique Phonograph News as well as on three pages on the website: For Sale,
Wanted and Notices.
Membership Directory - listing contact details and specific areas of interest for CAPS 200+ members. Always current, the Membership Directory is accessible only to members
on its website.
CAPS Meetings - a bonus for members within driving distance of Toronto. Eight meetings are held annually on Sundays between
September and June at Centennial College, Progress Campus, conveniently located off the Markham Road exit from Highway 401. Admission is free and refreshments are provided.
Each meeting attracts more than 50 members and guests and includes a Presentation on recorded-sound history, a social period when members buy and sell parts, catch up on
each other's latest finds and exchange tips on phonograph repair and refinishing, and an auction of sound machines,
recordings, parts and music-related ephemera. Guests are most welcome at CAPS meetings. However, you must be a member to participate in the auction. See Meetings for details and directions.
CAPS online meetings - CAPS meetings are also presented live using the Zoom platform which reach our international membership and make CAPS meetings accessible to ALL members.
Some of the 55 members and guests at a CAPS meeting at Centennial College
New friends - whether you're a complete novice or an experienced collector, you'll enjoy meeting or corresponding with the wonderful friendly and helpful people in the CAPS community.