Edward Moogk's Roll Back The Years, p. 81 states:
"[at the start of the 1920s] A period of inflation
followed and then gave way to a general economic
depression in the early 1920s. While this did not
produce a crisis situation for the young industry, it
began to undertake a more realistic assessment of the
overall operation. "New companies, nevertheless, continued to enter the
field, and they included the Windsor Phonograph and Record
Company Ltd., located on Papineau Avenue in
Montreal. It advertised the Windsor as an
all-Canadian phonograph and also issued a line of Windsor
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, March 1920, p. 46: "The Windsor Phonograph and Record Co., Ltd., Montreal, has been incorporated with a capital of $1,000,000."
Canadian Music Trades Journal, March 1920, p. 92-93. "Windsor Phonograph and Record Company, Limited, with head office at Montreal, and capitalized at one million dollars, has been incorporated with a Dominion Charter. The new corporation has taken over the plant and business of Paramount Phonograph and Record Co., the factory being located at 200 Papineau Avenue."
Talking Machine World, July 1920, p. 226: "Cabinet gramophones of high class finish and design would seem to be a specialized trade in
Canada, for it is of this type principally that the
exhibits consist. A fine display is made by the
Windsor Phonograph & Record Co., Ltd.
George S. Pequenat, in charge, tells me that
he has received many inquiries for territorial
agencies and that the British trade has accorded
a good reception to the Windsor line.
The Berlind Phonograph Co., Ltd., 153 St. Catherine Street East, Montreal, (later at 67 St. Catherine Street East and 87 St. Catherine Street East) sold Brunswick and Columbia phonographs. It was also a major dealer in phonograph needles, accessories, supplies and repair parts, specializing in Windsor main springs. In 1922 it advertised that it manufactured the Windsor phonograph: "Buy direct and save middleman's profit".
Canadian Music Trades Journal, March, 1920, p. 74.
CMTJ, March, 1920, p. 92-93. Announcement of the Windsor phonograph.
Toronto Daily Star, May 4, 1920 p. 24.
CMTJ, May, 1920, p. 39.
The Globe, May 12, 1920, p. 7. Image digitally enhanced by
Hopkin Design.
The Globe, May 26, 1920, p. 5. Image digitally enhanced by
Hopkin Design.
The Globe, September 6, 1920, p. 4. Image digitally enhanced by
Hopkin Design.
Montreal Star, October 27, 1922, p. 23. In 1922, the Berlind Phonograph Co., 153 St. Catherine West, Montreal, announced that they manufactured the new style Windsor phonograph.
A Windsor phonograph for sale on Facebook Marketplace in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 2023.
A Windsor upright phonograph for sale in Chateauguay, Quebec in 2023. Photographs submitted by Mike Bryan.
A Windsor console model phonograph for sale in St-Anaclet-de-Lessard, Quebec in 2024.
Ray Brousseau of Coboconk, Ontario sent the following picture of a needle tin in June, 2010:
Needle pack KW collection acquired in July, 2012:
ID plate from a Windsor table model phonograph in very distressed condition. Photo submitted by Norman Brooks.