
In 1905, Emile Berliner announced that he would be selling the Victor talking machine alongside the Berliner gramophone in Canada.

Montreal Star, September 22, 1905, p. 2: "We have arranged with the Victor Talking Machine Company of the U.S. to act as sole distributing agents for their machines and records in Canada.... We shall still continue to make and sell the Berliner Gram-o-phones and records as before and thus shall be able to place before the public the two best talking machines in the world, each of which, although similar in style, possesses original features not to be found in the other."

The Victor Victrola Page: "Some machines sold in Canada were produced at Victor's main Camden NJ plant, while others were made in the Berliner plant in Montreal, Canada."

Talking Machine World, November 1923, p. 174: "His Master's Voice Victrola cabinets, which have hitherto been imported into this country from the United States, will soon be made in Canada by the Berliner Gramophone Co., Ltd., of this city, which for some years has manufactured the Victor machines and records. They are now fitting out a modern reinforced concrete building which will be used exclusively for the manufacture of these cabinets. This building is five stories high, about 500 feet long, and contains approximately 100,000 square feet of floor space. It was erected, together with a 1,200 h.p. power plant, in 1921. The value of the building and the complete modern equipment being installed is a little over $1,000,000. The work, the company expects, will be completed about December 1. The plant when operated to capacity will require the employment of about 350 additional workers, but it is not counted on reaching full capacity before 1925. During the coming year, however, the company expects to take on about 200 additional employees."

Talking Machine World, September 9, 1924: "In a trade letter to its dealers the Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canada, Ltd., states: "The manufacture of Victrola instruments Nos. 213, 400, 405 and 410, with provision for installation of radio receiving sets, is progressing satisfactorily. These four styles, in moderate quantities, will be available about September 23." Several manufacturers of radio sets have already indicated their intention of making special designs for these Victrolas."

Some Victor Orthophonic Victrola models were made only in Canada -

Halifax Evening Mail, December 17, 1907, p. 9. Victor talking machines for sale in Canadian phonograph shops.

Ottawa Citizen, March 12, 1907, p. 7. First advertisement for the Victor-Victrola in a Canadian newspaper.

Victoria Times Colonist, December 12, 1908, p. 5. Victor-Victrola for sale in British Columbia.

Vancouver Saturday Sunset, April 10, 1909, p. 10. Early illustration of the Victor VTLA gramophone in a Vancouver newspaper.

Montreal Gazette, September 18, 1909, p. 9. Hornless Victors.

Vancouver Saturday Sunset, September 23, 1911, p. 20. Victor & Berliner Gram-o-phones.

Ottawa Citizen, September 30, 1924, p. 9. Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited.

Ottawa Citizen, December 16, 1925, p. 2. "The Orthophonic is manufactured by the Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, and being demonstrated locally at the Raper Studios, 177 to 179 Sparks St."

A Canadian Orthophonic Victrola Model VV4-3 for sale by Hartney Company Limited, Montreal.

A later Canadian Victor Victrola Model VV4-3 listed in 2024 in Nanaimo, B.C. submitted by Lance Husoy.

A Canadian Victrola Consolette posted on CAPS Facebook Forum by Debbie Connors.

A Canadian console model VV4-40 for sale in Parksville, B.C. in 2024. Submitted by Lance Husoy.

A Canadian Orthophonic Victrola VV 4-70 for sale in 2023.

Another VV 4-70 for sale in 2023 in Ste. Angele de Premont, Quebec. From The Victor-Victrola Page ( "The VV 4-70 was an elegant mid-priced floor-model Orthophonic phonograph produced solely for the Canadian market. It featured a re-entrant (folded) Orthophonic horn, a 2-spring motor, and a mahogany finish with wood appliques and machined trim parts with contrasting shades. Unlike many of the Orthophonic machines, it also had a carved 'fretwork' covering the horn grillecloth (picture at left). The 4-70 sold new for $195.00 CDN with a spring wound motor; an electric motor option cost an extra $35.00 CDN. It was introduced in 1928 and was likely discontinued one year later. This machine was manufactured at Victor's plant in Montreal, as it is a unique model to the Canadian market. Production quantities for this model are unknown; based on serial numbers of surviving examples, it is estimated that at least 5,000 were produced."

A unique Victrola Credenza, likely manufactured by the Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited, without the customary Victor ID and logo but labelled on the lid "The World's International Music, J.W.R Cote - Oakville, Ont., the cabinet unfortunately painted white! For sale in St-Jérôme, Quebec. Submitted by Aleksander Witkowski.

A Canadian Electrola Victrola for sale in Chatham, Ontario in 2022.

A 1927 Canadian Electrola for sale in North Cowichan, B.C. in 2024. Submitted by Lance Husoy.

A 1930 Canadian Electrola for sale in North Cowichan, B.C. in 2024. Submitted by Lance Husoy.

Yet another model Canadian Electrola Victrola for sale in Vancouver, B.C. in 2024. Submitted by Lance Husoy.
