Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, May 1919, p. 40: "The Purdy Phonograph Co., Toronto, are engaging in the manufacture of phonographs on an extensive scale. They have secured suitable premises at Yonge and Hayter Sts., and have installed an up-to-date plant."
Hardware and Metal, August 1922, p. 32: "Purdy Radio Phonograph Co., Ltd., head office Toronto, capital $40,000 to manufacture and deal in radio supplies, phonographs etc."
Toronto Daily Star, November 10, 1922, p. 17: "The Purdy Phonograph Co., 418 Yonge St (one block south of College St), Toronto, is one of the only firms in Canada manufacturing and selling direct [from its wholesale plant] to the consumer." Purdy also supplied a free, large, parlor floor lamp, customer's choice, which was also made in their factory, with each large phonograph sold during its many factory-to-home sales. They also added 10 free records, 1 record brush, 500 steel needles and a diamond needle to play Edison records.
The Grandola branded phonograph was manufactured by the Purdy Phonograph Co. (see the Grandola page). A phonograph advertised as the "Canadian" Electric Phonograph which was sold in Toronto by Simpson's has a wood grille with a pattern identical to a Grandola phonograph (see the Canadian page). It too may have been manufactured by Purdy although there is no evidence that it was a Canadian branded machine. The same grille design appears on Purdy ads on this page for machines without a specific brand name. For convenience, we will refer to these as Purdy phonographs until we identify an actual machine by the brand name on the lid.
From 1927, Purdy marketed the Aurophonic phonograph (see the Aurophonic page).
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, May 1917, p. 34.
Toronto Daily Star, December 3, 1917, p. 7. Purdy ran this same small ad in the classified section for the next four years.
TDS, October 2, 1919, p. 21
Toronto World, January 3, 1920, p. 11
TDS, December 20, 1921, p. 9
TDS, January 26, 1922, p. 19
TDS, September 21, 1922, p. 10
TDS, November 10, 1922, p. 17
TDS, December 7, 1922, p. 16
TDS, December 20, 1923, p. 12
TDS, March 7, 1924, p. 2
TDS, April 16, 1924, p. 12
TDS, November 28, 1924, p. 32
TDS, April 3, 1925, p. 7