
Talking Machine World, June 15, 1916, p. 60: "IMPORTANT PATHÉ CANADIAN DEAL - Manufacturing and Distributing Rights Secured by Pathé Frères Phonograph Co., Ltd.
E. A. Widmann, president of the Pathé Frères Phonograph Co., New York, announced this week that an importnat deal had been consummated which provided for the company's Canadian distribution along lines allowing for material expansion and development. According to the terms of this deal the Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. of Canada, Ltd., will have the entire distributing rights for the Pathé products in the Dominion of Canada, and will also manufacture Pathéphones and Pathé discs in a Canadian factory to be located at Toronto. The executive offices of the Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. of Canada will also be located at Toronto, and all plans have been completed for the formation of a manufacturing and sales organization which will enable the company to give maximum service to the dealers in Canada. W. J. Craig, James Markham and N. G. Valiquette, all of whom are prominent in Toronto business circles, are the executives in the new Canadian company, and it is understood that the Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. in New York is actively connected with the Canadian organization. In order that the Canadian company may inaugurate immediately its service campaign to the dealers, the Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. in New York shipped to the Canadian company this week eight cars of Pathéphones and Pathé discs. The new Canadian factory is being rushed to completion and will afford the new company ample facilities to handle trade in the Dominion.

Talking Machine World, August 15, 1916, p. 21: "A new firm was organized and incorporated to distribute and eventually manufacture Pathé lines in Canada, under the flame and style of the Pathé Frères Pathéhone Co., of Canada, Ltd. The headquarters of the company are at 215 to 219 Victoria Street, Toronto, a five-story brick block owned by W. J. Craig, who is managing director of the new corporation. Associated with Mr. Craig on the executive staff are James Malcolm and N. G. Valiquette, of Montreal. The latter has one of the largest and most successful retail furniture and furnishing houses in Canada. Mr. Malcolm has old established and progressive furniture manufactories at Listowell and Kincardine. The firm, of which he is the head, was established many years ago by his father, the late Andrew Malcolm, of Kincardine, and a former member of the Ontario Legislature. This firm is rated among the most advanced furniture manufacturing establishments in the country and has a wide reputation for up-to-dateness. Mr. Craig, who will be the active head of the new concern, has had a long career in the furniture industries in Canada, in which he is well known and has made an unqualified success. For many years he has handled the products of the best Canadian factories in addition to imported lines. He maintains permanent show rooms in his building on Victoria Street, Toronto, where the headquarters of the Pathé Frères Pathéphone Co., of Canada, Ltd., are located. The management of the Pathéphone and record business is vested with Henry Pratt, formerly on the selling staff of the R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Ltd., and latterly in charge of the retail phonograph department of Frank Stanley. While it is the purpose to manufacture in Canada, Pathéphones and records are in the meantime being imported from the factories of the New York concern, with which the new firm is linked up with as well as the parent firm in France. Referring to the prospects for doing business Mr. Pratt stated to your correspondent that so numerous have been the inquiries for agencies even before they were ready to make any definite announcement that they have been unable to take care of them all."

Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, August 1916, p. 36: "Pathe Freres Phonograph Co. of Canada Ltd., with a capital of $100,000 and headquarters at Toronto, has received an Ontario charter to make and sell instruments and devices for recording and reproducing music, phonographs, pathephones, music machines and accessories. The Toronto offices will be located in the Craig Building, 215-219 Victoria Street, and W.J.Craig will be managing director of the new company. Associated with him, it is understood, will be James Malcolm, of the Malcolm Furniture Co., Kincardine, and N.S. Valiquette, furniture dealer, Montreal, as well as Henry Pratt, the present manager of the Pathephone business in Canada."

Talking Machine World, September 15, 1916, p. 22: "The recently formed Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. of Canada, Ltd., is making rapid headway in an energetic campaign to make "The Red Rooster" a familiar trade mark in Canada. The rooster, which was adopted as a distinguishing brand for Pathé moving pictures, and sound reproducing products, is already familiar in every section of Canada, where people patronize the "movies." The particular business of the above named Canadian company will be in connection with the talking machine branch of the music trades. The Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. of Canada, Ltd., is already making shipments of Pathéphones and records. As stated in a previous issue of The World, it is the purpose of this company, which has a strong personnel, to eventually manufacture the Pathé line in Canada."

Talking Machine World, April 15, 1917, p. 42: "C. B. Moore, of the R. J. Whitla Co., Ltd., Pathé distributors in the West, is anticipating the receipt of shipments of made in Canada Pathé records and Pathéphones. The firm have opened up a large number of agencies, and are aggressively pushing the Red Rooster line."

Talking Machine World, May 15, 1917, p. 39: "The Canadian factory of the Pathé Co. is now in full operation. A great many setbacks have been experienced through delays in deliveries of machinery and raw material, but all of these have now been overcome and Canadian Pathé records are now being turned out."

Talking Machine World, October 15, 1921, p. 146: "The Fairbairn Sales Co., which has been asked to act as wholesale and local distributor for the 1921 and the other American and Canadian made Pathé models, including the Actuelle, has just been advised that in future the Canadian trade will be supplied with Pathé phonographs and records direct from Paris, France, headquarters of the Pathé Frères organization, and to prepare for the arrival of French machines and records they must clear out their entire stock immediately."

Sault Star, March 31, 1917, p. 2. Early mention in the Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario newspaper that the Pathéphone was made in Canada.

A pamphlet showing the models available in 1917. Pathé Frères Phonograph Co. of Canada Limited. Head office and factory. Toronto.

The Province (Vancouver), November 8, 1918, p. 15. "Pathe Freres Phonograph Co. of Canada, Limited. Makers of Canada's First and Foremost Phonograph."

Canadian Music Trades Journal, January 1919, p. 66-67.

Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, April 1919, p. 50.

Toronto Daily Star, November 18, 1920, p. 10. "... a line of the celebrated Pathe phonographs which is one of the highest grade lines made in Canada." The ad is from the Dale Furniture Co. Limited, 304 1/2 - 308 Yonge Street, Toronto.

Toronto Daily Star, May 6, 1921, p. 2. The ad distinguishes American and Canadian models.

Toronto Daily Star, February 1, 1922, p. 16. Image digitally enhanced by Hopkin Design.

A Pathé Pathéphone upright phonograph, Queen Anne model, Made by Pathé Frères Phonograph Company of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario.

A Pathé Pathéphone upright phonograph located in Mississauga, Ontario, sold on Kijiji in 2023.

A Pathé upright phonograph for sale in North Hatley, Québec in 2024.

Pathé Pathéphone Duplex Disc Phonograph, Miller & Miller Auction, March 19, 2022. Made by Pathé Frères Phonograph Company of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario.

Label on a Pathé phonograph listed in Boucherville, Quebec in 2024.
