Jennifer Mueller did a stellar job of documenting the history of the
Regal Phonograph and its Ideal brand for the Canadian
Antique Phonograph Society - Part 1 and Part 2. Regal introduced the "Ideal Perfect Tone" line of phonographs in March 1916.
Talking Machine Review, April 1917, p. 39: "The Regal Phonograph Co., Toronto, has been
formed into a limited liability company with a
capital stock of $40,000, one-half of which is in preferred shares. This firm was established in
1915 by Edwin A. Stevenson, who has been active in the phonographic industry for the past
eleven years. Mr. Stevenson, who is president
and manager of Regal Phonograph Co., Ltd.,
has for the past two years energetically featured
the Ideal "Perfect Tone" phonograph which
name he trade-marked. The business has exanded until he found it advisable to branch out
in a larger way and the incorporation is the
result. Larger premises are being arranged for."
Talking Machine World, June 1917, p. 39: "The Regal Phonograph Co., Ltd., Toronto, have removed to 145 Church Street. The building is a three-story one and has a frontage of
24 feet or more. The premises are being remodelled and redecorated, and will place at their disposal an up-to-date building for factory, office and show-rooms."
Talking Machine World, September 1920, p. 39: "The Regal Phonograph Co., Ltd., of Toronto has issued $51,000 new capital stock to secure funds to increase its plant and working facilities. The company has been in operation for over three years and during that time has built up a large business. It has in operation a unique agency plan, with more than two hundred agencies handling its products. Its business has increased by leaps and bounds, the gain in net sales for the first six months of the current year being more than 171 per cent over the corresponding period of 1918. Net earnings in 1919 allowing for depreciation were equal to 43 per cent on the total issued capital and for the first six months of the current year total net earnings equal all of last year. As imports of phonographs into Canada last year exceeded $4,000,000, there is ample opportunity for a Canadian company to find a domestic market for its product. The new shares consist of $34,000 10 per cent cumulative preferred stock, which is offered at par or $100 per share, and $17,000 common stock, par $100 offered at $120 per share. Being prepared for trouble is one good way to invite a visit from the trouble bird."
Canadian Music Trades Journal, November, 1916, p. 42.
CMTJ, January, 1917, p. 48.
CMTJ, March, 1917, p. 42.
CMTJ, April, 1917, p. 54.
North Bay Nugget, April 13, 1917, p. 13. In this ad from Cobalt, Ontario a Model No. 2 tabletop Ideal machine is called "the Sonora".
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, May, 1917, p. 40.
CMTJ, March, 1919, p. 64.
Ottawa Citizen, December 18, 1919, p. 12.
Pamphlet for the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto, 1922.
Toronto Daily Star, March 17, 1922, p. 25. Image digitally enhanced by
Hopkin Design.
Pictures taken at an outdoor antique sale in southern
Ontario, 2008 (photos by KW).
An Ideal phonograph for sale in Edmonton, Alberta in 2023.
The following machine was at the Guy Lombardo museum auction
in London, ON, Jan. 2015 [pics by KW]:
An Ideal phonograph located in Riverview, New Brunswick for sale through Kijiji in 2023.
An upright, mahogany Ideal phonograph, in superb original condition, located in Ottawa, Ontario in 2024. Photographs submitted by Katherine Goldney. The phonograph belongs to Katherine's mother-in-law who acquired it from her grandmother who bought it in 1919. While most Ideal phonographs display the "Ideal" logo on the cabinet lid, this machine proudly displays the dealers's name, Parkdale Victrola Parlors, Parkdale (Toronto), from whom it was likely purchased. This model has the automatic light and, remarkably, the bulb still works. In a box in the back of the cabinet is the original Columbia Ignitor battery.
An Ideal phonograph located in Peterborough, Ontario, for sale through FB Marketplace in 2023. It shows the later, 1922, cabinet label design.
The following pictures of a Regal portable are from Ray Brousseau of
Coboconk, Ontario who was restoring it in June,
2010. This was sent to Jennifer for further