
The full story of the Gourlay phonograph manufactured by the firm of Gourlay, Winter & Leeming in Toronto, Ontario is told in an article at https://capsnews.org/apn2019-1.htm.

Saskatoon Daily Star, July 27, 1917, p. 13. Very early display ad for Gourlay Phonographs.

Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, September 1918, p. 42: "Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Ltd. — This company manufactures the Gourlay phonograph which was included in their exhibit of pianos at the [Canadian National] Exhibition [in Toronto]."

Canadian Music Trades Journal, September, 1919, p. 74. The Gourlay phonograph is displayed at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto. Apparently it was not on the market for sale to the public in Toronto at this time although it was already being advertised in western Canada.

Canadian Woodworker, September 1919. "A number of Gourlay phonographs in various designs and grades were shown in mahogany, walnut and oak."

Calgary Herald, October 11, 1919, p. 25.

Depicted are the first two display ads in Toronto for the Gourlay phonograph. The ad on the left appeared in the Toronto Globe newspaper on December 3, 1921; the ad on the right appeared in the Toronto Daily Star newspaper on December 8, 1921.

A Gourlay phonograph sold through Kijiji on March 1, 2020 for $175.00.

A Gourlay phonograph sold through FB Marketplace in 2022.

A Gourlay phonograph for sale in Blainville, Quebec in 2023.

Shown are photographs of a Gourlay phonograph under restoration by collector Doug McKen.

Doug McKen's restored Gourlay.

A Gourlay phonograph for sale through Facebook Marketplace in Guelph, Ontario in 2023. Photographs submitted by Aleksander Witkowski.

A Gourlay phonograph for sale through Facebook Marketplace in Hamilton, Ontario in 2024.
