
The Empire phonograph was manufactured by The George McLagan Furniture Co., Limited, Stratford, Ontario and marketed in western Canada.

Edmonton Journal, September 18, 1928, p. 14. Ad by James Ramsay Limited, Edmonton.

Calgary Herald, October 4, 1918, p. 12. Ad by Neilson's, 120 Eighth Ave. E., Calgary.

Montreal Star, September 16, 1919, p. 25. Ad by Wilder's Limited, Montreal.

Montreal Star, September 22, 1919, p. 21.

Regina Leader-Post, October 16, 1919, p. 3. Ad by R.H. Williams and Sons Limited, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Victoria Daily Times (Victoria B.C.), November 8, 1920, p. 5.

Regina Leader-Post, November 22, 1920, p. 3. Ad by R.H. Williams and Sons Limited, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Regina Leader-Post, January 12, 1921, p. 3. Ad by R.H. Williams and Sons Limited, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, January 25, 1921, p. 11.

The Province (Vancouver), December 23, 1921, p. 15. Ad by David Spencer Limited.

Regina Leader-Post, February 18, 1922, p. 5. Ad by R.H. Williams and Sons Limited, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Toronto Daily Star, September 1, 1922, p. 20. An Empire upright phonograph for sale at Heintzman's.

An Empire phonograph for sale through Facebook Marketplace in 2024 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

An Empire phonograph posted to the CAPS Facebook page in June 2024.

A table model Empire phonograph.

A console model Empire phonograph.

There was also an Empire Phonograph Company (later named Empire Phonograph Parlors) located in Toronto, Ontario, that repaired and rented phonographs. It was also listed as a dealer of Brunswick records.

Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, March 1919, p. 29: "The Empire Phonograph Co. has been registered at Toronto."

Talking Machine World, March 1921, p. 121: "The Empire Phonograph Co., of 234 Queen Street [Toronto], has just taken on the Brunswick record agency."

Talking Machine World, April 1921, p. 83: "The Empire Phonograph Co., of Toronto, recently advertised in a local paper that phonographs could be rented from them at $2.50 per week, a batch of records being included with delivery."

Toronto Daily Star, February 15, 1922 p. 26. In 1921 and 1922, Empire Phonograph Co., 234 Queen Street East, Toronto, publish multiple classified ads offering phonograph repair. They are also listed as a Brunswick record dealer.

By October, 1924 Empire Phonograph Company, Toronto, are occupying a store across the street at 235 Queen St. E. and are listed as Empire Phonograph Parlors along with other dealers of Brunswick records (TDS, March 26, 1925 p. 10).
