
The Toronto Reference Library has Patent books with an Index of Inventors, Patentees, and Assignees. March, April, June, 1916, p. 1990 lists The Brantford Piano Case Co. Ltd, Brantford, Ontario, Phonograph cabinet, June 10, 1916. November, December, 1916 p. 4111, No. 22233 lists Brantford Piano Case Co. Ltd, the Word, Brant-Ola, Dec. 28, 1916.

Canadian Music Trades Journal, September 1916, p. 75: "The Brant-Ola Phonograph is the newest product of the Brantford Piano Case Co.'s factory. Since commencing the manufacture of cabinets this firm have been impressed with the possibilities of the phonographic field, hence the new one. Mr. Brerton, secretary of the firm, when seen at the Toronto Exhibition stated that the new line was being well received where shown."

Talking Machine World, October 1916, p. 101: "The Brantford Piano Case Co. factory at Brantford, Ont., is now marketing a new talkng machine called the Brant-ola."

Blurb from Roy Brown who contacted the Brant Museum and Archives:

The Best that is in the record--
Every good phonograph record has delicate, charming tones that are lost in the transmission unless the instrument is adjusted with the finest precision.
The BRANT-OLA combines in its mechanism and cabinet  construction the qualities of a high grade watch and a good violin.
We do not make records, but we make the only organ-tone instrument for all records.
See and hear the BRANT-OLA
Before you buy
Phone Us--No. 2409.
Brantford Piano Case Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada

Talking Machine World, May 1917, p. 39: "So greatly encouraged is the management of the Brantford Piano Case Co., Ltd., at its progress in manufacturing and marketing the Brant-Ola phonograph that they are erecting a seventy-foot addition to their plant. On his recent visit to New York, M. S. Phelps contracted for all the supplies necessary for the increased output of Brant-Olas.

Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, May 1919, p.36: "Piano Cases and Phonographs, Ltd., Brantford, Out., has been incorporated by Dominion charter with a capital of $100,000."

Talking Machine World, August 1919, p. 115: "Piano Cases and Phonographs, Ltd., Brantford, is the name of the new company incorporated under Dominion charter resulting from a reorganization of the Brantford Piano Case Co., Ltd., makers of the Brant-Ola phonograph. The new concern has an authorized capital stock of $100,000. Gilbert Brereton is president, and the management is now in the hands of James A. Scace, for nine years secretary-treasurer of the P. H. Secord & Sons Construction Co., Ltd., a prominent conracting firm in Brantford, whose chief worry is how to produce enough goods to meet the business offering. His plans, however, include provision for extending their business, to permit of the production of cabinets in larger quantities."

The Christmas Expositor, December, 1916, Brantford, Canada.

Daniel Kennaley sent the following regarding a machine formerly owned by Joe Namath, shown below for a film made by the Brant Video Club.

Rick Pauloski of Ancaster reported in October 2009 that he had found a machine much like this one--although minus a lid--and it was labeled 'Style B' No. 2731. It was "Sold by Frank Stanley, Toronto". The Stanley Piano factory was located at 121-135 De Grassi St. and 32-50 Cummings St., and the store at 14 Temperance St., Toronto. Frank Stanley is also an agent for Brunswick Phonographs and Records at 241 Yonge St.

Downright Upright, Wayne Kelly, p. 120: "Stanley acquired the assets of the Cecilian Piano Co. [in 1922]. Two years later, however, the firm failed. Mason & Risch picked up the stock at auction."

Jim Keller in Orleans (near Ottawa) supplies the following photos of his Style "A" Brant-ola (same as unit in the above ad):

Pat Konkle of Mississauga sends these pictures of another Style 'A':

A Brant-ola listed in Midland, Ontario in 2024.

Style 'B' I found for sale around Niagara-on-the-Lake, October 2009. The case needed gluing apparently.

Same Brantola 'B' a year later (August 2010), fixed:

Model 'C' at Aberfoyle Sep. 2012 (images by KW):

Another tabletop model Brant-ola.

A Brant-ola submitted to the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society Facebook Forum by Bill Fess.

A Brant-ola for sale in Amherstburg, Ontario in 2024.

Mark Quail sent in this picture of the Brant-ola site (39 Alice Street, Brantford ON) as of the summer of 2009:

Tuesday, 10 May 2011 11:09

Reprinted from The Brussels Post - 1981
S.S No. 1 – Wallace’s School

Wallace’s School or the S.S. No. 1 in Morris Township has been used for everything from a schoolhouse to a pig barn.
With information obtained from Mrs. Harold Laffin, Mrs. Bill Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McNichol, some of the school’s history is recorded here.

Built in 1892, replacing an original log structure from 1876, it was purchased by Keith Richmond and then it was sold to Bill Souch. When Mr. Souch’s barn burned down he needed a place to put his pigs so he put them downstairs in the schoolhouse and the grain upstairs.

A church known as Ebenezer Methodist Church once stood across the road from the school.

When Mr. McNichol went to the school somewhere between the years 1936-1938 the attendance was at one point down to six boys and one girl.


In 1920, it was the first school in the area to have bought a Brantola phonograph to teach the children the value of music. In the same year, the woodshed was moved to the rear of the school and put up on concrete.

Brant-ola packing crate poster found in an antique store near Toronto in 2018.

Owen Sound Times, October 17, 1916 pg. 1

October Sound Sun, December 5, 1916 pg. 1, December 19, 1916 pg. 1. Owen Sound Times, December 15, 1916 pg. 1

Canadian Music Trades Journal, March, 1917 pg. 46

CMTJ, April, 1917, pg. 42

CMTJ, August, 1917, pg. 78-79

CMTJ, September, 1917, pg. 44

CMTJ, December, 1917, pg. 44

CMTJ, January, 1918, pg. 48

CMTJ, November, 1918, pg. 41

Ottawa Citizen, Dec. 21, 1918, pg. 18

CMTJ, March, 1919, pg. 60

Toronto Daily Star, November 29, 1919, pg. 20

Ottawa Citizen, July 9, 1920, pg. 7

Ottawa Citizen, October 28, 1921, pg. 14
